Time Mastery

  • Does everybody in the team use their time in the most constructive way?

  • Do you all get the absolute most from your day, and leave the office with a clear plan on what will be achieved the next day?

  • Do you have enough time to do the 'out of work' activities that you really enjoy?

If you answered 'no' to the above questions, read on...

Time Mastery

Just some of the areas covered in this workshop:

Your personal relationship with time.
From Covey’s 4 quadrants of working ON the business, through to use of default diary, and other techniques.
Analysis of how you currently spend your time and how to improve (3Ds).
Eat that frog, time bandits and more.

More Details

The aim of this workshop is to help everybody within the business use their time as productively as possible. Greater productivity helps towards achieving a better outcome for the business, encouraging growth and greater profits. When we better prioritise and delegate appropriately, alongside many other skills, our valuable time is better spent, enabling everybody to get the most out of their day.

Time Mastery is a skill that all members of the team need to be good at, whatever their role may be within the business. When the learnings from 'Time Mastery' are applied, more is achieved, encouraging increased motivation and job satisfaction.

Everybody involved will take away a number of useful techniques that can be put into action straight away. This workshop promises to encourage a smooth-running business with deadlines met, prompt customer service and a highly motivated workforce  – you'll wish that you had known about these skills at the start of your career!